Protect your Facilities – Using Furse Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)

Today, our ever growing dependence on Electronic Systems to drive Processes, Production and Services in business has become absolute & total.

These vulnerable Electronic Systems and components which are the heart of every facility should be protected from the ravaging effects of Lightning strikes and Surges.

In fact, loss of these systems would cripple Industrial, Governmental and Commercial businesses alike.

Devastating effects

Although lasting only thousandths or millionths of a second, without protection they can devastate all modern electronic systems:

  • Disrupting system operations, through data loss, data and software corruption and unexplained crashes
  • Degrading equipment components and circuitry, shortening equipment lifetime and increasing failures
  • Destroy components, circuit boards and I/O cards
  • Causing costly and unnecessary system downtime.

Protection benefits

Furse Surge or Electronic systems protectors (SPDs) prevents;

  • Lost or destroyed data
  • Equipment damage
  • Repair work – especially costly for remote or unmanned installations
  • The high cost of extended stoppages – sales lost to competitors, lost production, deterioration or spoilage of work in progress
  • Loss of essential services – fire alarm, security systems, building management systems
  • Health and safety hazards caused by plant instability, after loss of control
  • Fire risks and electric shock hazards

Fortunately, Electronic Systems can be protected from Surge damage, for a FRACTION of the Cost of Damage.

Proper surge deployment will save your facility downtime, reliability and productivity.

Effective protection is achieved through installation of coordinated set of Furse Surge Protection Devices (SPDs), covering incoming/outgoing mains and data lines and protecting sensitive and critical electronic systems from damage.

At FullSpectrum Energy, we aptly positioned to evaluate the risk, your needs, recommend, supply and install effective Furse Surge protection devices in line with best practices guaranteeing Peace of mind, Seamless operations and Profit.


Victor Oyedu, FNSE, FNIEEE, CPQ.
Power Quality and Energy Management Specialist.
Publisher at & 

CEO, FullSpectrum Energy Solutions Limited, Nigeria.

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